About project


  1. Klett, Poznań, Polandleader partner
  2. Raabe Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria


  1. Trnava University, Trnawa, Slovakia (Trnavska Univerzita v Trnave)
  2. AWF Poznań (Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im Eugeniusza Piaseckiego, Poznań)


  1. Public Kindergarden, Trnawa, Slovakia (Materská škola Trnava)
  2. Kindergarden Slavia, Sofia, Bulgaria (Detska gradina Slavia Sofia)
  3. Non-public Kindergarden "Piccolino", Głubczyce, Poland


The POSE project has been conceived in line with the Commission's vision to achieve a European Education Area by 2025, where ECEC policy has a key role to play. In addition, it was highlighted that the enhancement of early years' curricula needs to nurture children’s wellbeing and ensure a balance in the provision of social-emotional and cognitive development, acknowledging the importance of physical activity among others. Spinal deformities are the most common health problem among young people in Poland, with up to 80% of school-age children being affected and postural defects occurring more frequently than other common conditions such as obesity.

Understanding the essence of the problem, Klett Polska decided to gather an international group of specialists in the field of early childhood education and care to develop tools to improve the quality of physical education in kindergartens and correct posture defects in children.


The POSE project aims to: