RAABE Bulgaria

RAABE Bulgaria was founded in 1996 and over the last 25 years it has become the most dynamically developing publishing house on the Bulgarian market. RAABE Bulgaria specializes in publishing professional and methodological literature in the field of pre-school and school education. The publishing house offers a wide range of information products - manuals with replaceable pages, single editions, thematic series, CDs, online editions. An integral part of RAABE Bulgaria's activities is the organization and provision of training and qualifications for teachers and school principals through seminars, workshops and conferences.

They offer their customers over 40 products and 250 training topics. Raabe's main objective is to be a reliable partner in the continuous process of lifelong learning by developing practical and innovative literature for the needs of the education and training sector.

Over the years, the company has proven to be a leader in continuing education in preschool and school education and has established reliable contacts with more than 70% of all kindergartens and schools in Bulgaria, as well as with all regional structures of the Ministry of Education and Science.